Fibre-Metal® Hard Hat Ratchet Suspension 3RW2
Genuine Fibre-Metal® SuperEight® 3WR2 ratchet suspension for Fibre-Metal P2 series hard hats. The 3WR2 suspension features strip-proof ratchet and crack-proof headband. It is SEI certified in both forward and reverse positions.
Strip-proof ratchet and crack-proof headband
SEI certified in both forward and reverse positions
Suspension loading - Reduced impact energy is passed to the
suspension system at eight scientifically
determined points around the cap.
Impact energy dispersal - The eight energy absorbing suspension
connections, twice as many as ordinary caps
disperse the energy over a greater area of the head,
reducing its concentration, and the risk of failure, at
any one point.
Suspension function - The technically-advanced suspension system stretches in a predictable, controlled manner, absorbing still more impact energy. The remaining impact energy, reduced to ANSI-specified levels by the precise interaction of the cap's components, is passed to the body's natural shock absorbers.