Harris® V Series™ Ironworker® Deluxe Extra Heavy Duty Welding and Cutting Outfit 4400374
The Harris® V Series™ Ironworker® VH31-450-510 deluxe extra heavy duty welding & cutting outfit features Victor®-style cutting attachment and torch handle. The VH24 cutting attachment accepts standard Victor® 1 series cutting tips. The VH31 torch handle is suitable for Victor® W series welding nozzles and MFA series heating tips. Harris Model 25GX oxygen and acetylene regulators feature stainless steel diaphragm and tamper proof, self-seating pressure relief device. They come with dual 2 1/2 gauges a
7 year warranty.Model VH31 torch handle features tube within a tube construction for high gas flow capacity and is equipped with FlashGuard® check valves to prevent reverse gas flows. Model VH24 cutting attachment features an all gas in-tube mixer which allows for easy maintenance.
Know your acetylene inlet.
If your tank valve has female threads, you should choose this CGA 510 (male) torch kit. Note: will not fit "B" or "MC" acetylene cylinder.