Lincoln Outershield 71M Flux-Cored Welding Wire - 10 lb. Spool

Code: ED026804

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Cyberweld Price $79.85
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Mfg Industrial Price: $85.00
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Lincoln® Outershield® 71M Flux-Cored Welding Wire - 10 lb. Spool

10 lb. Spool - Lincoln® Outershield® 71M flux-cored welding wire on a 10 lb. spool features excellent travel speeds, with spray-like transfer. It produces minimum spatter, whether using straight CO2 or 75/25 Argon/CO2 shielding gas. Outershield 71M has fast re-starts and is suitable for use in all positions, EXCEPT vertical down. It carries AWS classifications E71T-9C-J, E71T-9M-J, E71T1-C1A4-CS1-H16 and E71T1-M21A4-CS1-H16. Outershield 71M is an excellent overall performer, with good feedability and arc performance. Available in .035 and .045 diameters.

  • Dual classified for both 100% CO2 and 75% Argon / 25% CO2 mixed gas
  • Charpy V-Notch impact toughness tested to -40°C (-40°F)
  • High travel speeds
  • Spray-like transfer with minimal spatter
  • Rod based manufacturing for industry leading wire stiffness and feedability
  • Increased rigidity allows for easy manual break-off