Miller Tube Head 180 Degrees - 4 Inch with Centerfire™ 258474
Genuine Miller air-cooled, 180 degree, 4 inch tube head with Centerfire consumables for your Miller Spoolmatic® Pro spoolguns and XR™-Pistol-Pro or XR™-Aluma-Pro push-pull guns. The 258474 tube head requires no tools or adapters to connect, is fully rotatable and is self-seating. Use this tube head to expand the MIG welding capabilities of your Miller Pro spoolgun or Pro push-pull gun.
Suitable for use with
Miller Spoolmatic Pro spoolgun
Miller air-cooled XR Pistol-Pro push-pull gun
Miller air-cooled XR Aluma-Pro push-pull gun

NOTE: compatible with Miller Pro series spoolguns and air-cooled push-pull guns ONLY.