Speedglas™ G5-02 Curved Auto-Darkening Filter 08-0000-50ic
Genuine Speedlgas™ G5-02 replacement Curved Auto-Darkening Filter for your Speedglas™ G5-02 welding hood ONLY. The curved ADF features Natural Color Technology and almost 18 square inches of viewing area. It has variable shade 8-12 welding mode, and is optimized for precision TIG welding down to 1 amp. Unlike most auto-darkening welding lenses that have a shade 3, or even shade 4 light state, G5-02's shade 2.5 light state provides a superior, natural color view of the work piece that is clear and uncompromising.
The Speedglas G5-02 curved ADF also provides outstanding performance for all kinds of MIG, TIG and stick welding applications. Innovative features like Bluetooth connectivity, through the Speedglas app on your phone, keeps track of usage data, maintenance intervals and firmware updates for your lens. Through the app, you can also program memory modes, sensitivity and delay settings, and have instant access to owner's manuals. You can also electronically "mark" your lens to help prevent theft. The Speedglas G5-02 Curved ADF has four independent arc sensors. Switching speed is 1/20,000 of a second.
Curved ADF
Utilizing the new 3M™ Speedglas™
Curved Glass Technology, the auto-darkening welding lens' shape
follows your head’s curvature and
the range of your peripheral vision.

Natural Color Technology
Provides a full color view of the work piece before, during and after welding.
Four Arc Sensors
Provide maximum lense responsiveness to changing welding conditions.
Bluetooth Connectivity
Keep track of usage data, maintenance intervals and get firmware updates.
Comes complete with
Scratch resistant outside protection plate
Inside proection plate
Battery holder with battery
NOTE: welding helmet NOT INCLUDED.