Millermatic® 252 MIG Welder package with Spoolmatic 30A 208/230 Volt 951960
The Miller® Millermatic® 252 MIG Welder 951960 with Spoolmatic 30A Spoolgun is an outstanding 250 amp package for aluminum MIG welding. Includes Millermatic® 252 MIG welding power source (200/230 Volt) and all accessories, Spoolmatic 30A (30 foot lead) 1 lb. Spool Gun (Duty Cycle 200 amps @ 100%), EZ-Change dual cylinder rack with elevated Gun and Cable Rack.
The Millermatic® 252 is an all-in-one MIG welder that provides a superior arc when welding 22 gauge up to 1/2 in metal. Engineered for performance, the Active Arc Stabilizer provides the most consistent arc starts in its class along with optimum weld performance in all settings.
Aluminum welding setup is easy with the direct hookup of the Spoolmatic 30A spool gun. With Miller's exclusive Auto-Gun-Detect, simply pull the trigger for either gun and you're ready to weld.
The Millermatic® 252 features direct plug for XR push-pull gun for professional aluminum wire feed capability. XR-type guns can be directly connected to the Millermatic 252. This allows you to use 12 inch rolls of wire instead of the more expensive 1 lb rolls with the spoolgun.
Flux Cored (FCAW)
Metal Fabrication
Maintenance and Repair
Light Industrial Applications
Highest output in its class (250 A at 28 VDC). Weld longer on high end applications.
Large, digital front panel with built-in digital timers menu enables operator to preset voltage and wire feed speed. Standard run-in, pre/postflow, burnback, spot/delay (stitch) timer menu.
Auto Gun Detect™ allows operator to simply pull trigger on MIG gun, spool gun, or push/pull gun. Automatically detects and recalls the voltage, wire feed speed, and timer of the active gun.
Push-Pull Gun Direct Connect - now directly connects your push-pull gun, no extra module required.
Angled, dual-gear driven, cast aluminum drive system features no-tool, quick-change reversible drive rolls and an easy-to-set, scaled tension knob.
EZ-Change™ Low Cylinder Rack allows operators to easily roll cylinders on and off of rack - no need to lift cylinders.
EZ-Access™ Consumable Compartment and Parameter Chart - set weld parameters right the first time with convenient new flip-down compartment that provides fast access to parameter chart and consumables.
Less weld cleanup with Active Arc Stabilizer™ patented Miller design provides excellent starts proven superior to the competition.
Fan-On-Demand™ cooling system operates only when needed reducing power consumption and contaminants drawn into the machine.
Line voltage compensation keeps power constant even if input voltages varies by +/- 10%
Millermatic 252:

Spoolmatic 30A:

Comes complete with:
Millermatic® 252 MIG Welding Power Source
Spoolmatic 30A Spool gun
15 ft (4.6 m), 250 amp MDX™-250 MIG gun for .030/.035 in wire
10 ft (3 m) Work cable with clamp
Factory - installed gas solenoid
2 - Argon mix regulator/flow gauge with 1 hose
10 ft (3 m) power cord and plug (200/230 V model only)
Factory-installed running gear with EZ-Change™ Low Dual Cylinder Rack with Elevated Gun and Cable Rack
.030/.035 in reversible drive rolls
Extra contact tips
Cylinders NOT included
FREE Miller® Classic ClearLight™ auto-darkening welding hood.